Temporal Foreign Worker

Temporary Foreign Worker is a worker from abroad who is holding a valid working permit. A worker can be on one of the following categories:

  • the Temporary Foreign Worker Program
    • Employers must obtain a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to hire foreign workers to fill temporary labour and skill shortages. The LMIA verifies that there is a need for a temporary worker and that no Canadians are available to do the job.
  • the International Mobility Program (IMP)
    • The IMP lets employers hire temporary workers without an LMIA. Exemptions from the LMIA process are based on both of the following:
      • the broader economic, cultural or other competitive advantages for Canada
      • the reciprocal benefits enjoyed by Canadians and permanent residents
Jobbank and the long job hunting journey for Temporary Foreign Workers
Labour Market Impact Assessment Exemption Codes
Master your Job Interview in Canada: Questions & Answers
Refusal to Process a Labour Market Impact Assessment Application
Requirements for a Work Permit in Canada
The Canadian Resumé
The Importance of the NOC
Why I can't find work of "anything" in Canada?
Work as a Seasonal Agricultural Worker


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