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Although the Jobbank is not the only unique website for job hunting, the Jobbank is the central and official point where employers and employees can meet. However, Canada will first take care of Canadians and its permanent residents. Why? Because of the Employment and Social Development Canada agency requirement; in order to get a LMIA, the law requires the employer to post some ads for at least a month in order to make sure there is not a Canadian or a permanent resident who may fill the position. Guess where the ad must be? It would be in the Jobbank. Additionally, it is very uncommon that an employer does an anonymous LMIA, most LMIA's already have a foreign worker selected.

However, the Jobbank is a very powerful tool for everyone. Since employers who are willing to run a LMIA are required to post the job vacancy there and the vacancy has identified the NOC number, it is very easy to find salary ranges per NOC and city/province/territory. Knowing this, the job seeker may ask for a salary that is slightly under the mean, this will make them more attractive to employers.

If you are still interested in the Jobbank, let's take a look at how the Jobbank works.


Katapulta is the project that will help you to visit, study, work or live in Canada.

We share information on many cities in Canada, how to write a proper resume, the process of obtaining or getting certain documents for Canada, myths and facts and much more information coming from experience or common questions.